Thursday 3 July 2014

DIY Candle Jars

Heyyyy my lovelies! I am sorry its been a while since I posted, I haven't been at home much, I've been at my boyfriends a bit and my friends and they've been here so I haven't had much time to do anything! But today I have another DIY post for you!! We had a load of jars and I thought, hey why not do some DIY?? We had a load of paint samples from last summer when I was painting my room so I just used those to paint the jars.  The one in the photo has some candle wax on it sorry, twas from when I was testing to see if the tea light would sit okay in it!! :)

The pictures are pretty self explanatory, so I don't think I need to do a step by step. You need a jar, some paint, masking tap, scissors, some ribbon and a tea light. You need to make a love heart shape out of masking tape and stick it onto the front of the jar, Then you can paint over it with the paint and then peel it off when you're finished and you have a cute heart shape on the front! Then just stick your tea light in, tie a ribbon around the top and voila! 

These little jars are perfect for gifts. They're cheap and easy to make and don't take up a lot of time! :) If anyone makes one, take a picture, post it to instagram and tag me in it!! :D 

Thanks guys I hope you enjoy this little post! :) 
Lucy xo

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